How to safely convert to LVM without losing your data

Introduction This article is a walkthrough that demonstrates the solution to a particular situation that computer owners may encounter when updating their system. For readers who do not fit into the scenario listed below, this is also a great article for familiarizing yourself with the practical application of logical volume manager (LVM). Otherwise, feel free to modify your approach as works best with your scenario. Scenario: You have a hard drive with all your files on it that uses physical partitions....

2023-08-19 · 4 min · Ally Petitt

Snort IPS Quickstart

Introduction Snort is an open source Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) that detects malicious network traffic by comparing the network packets to a set of rules, often created by Snort and the community. Snort can be used as a packet sniffer, packet logger, and intrusion prevention system. In this article, I’ll go over some of the first steps of installing, configuring, and running Snort so that new users have a place to branch off of....

2023-05-02 · 5 min · Ally Petitt

Windows Remoting: Difference between psexec, wmiexec, atexec, *exec If you’re anything like me, you discovered Impacket, either through a course, Ippsec, or your own research, and you look at the scripts. Your grin turns into horror as you realize the sheer amount of scripts that end with “exec”. They all give you remote access but when do you use which one!? Don’t worry, I have your back. Let’s break them down. PsExec PsExec works by writing a randomly-named binary to the ADMIN$ SMB share (hence why you require write access to that share in order to use it)....

2022-12-09 · 4 min · Ally Petitt

Pentester’s Guide to Performing File Transfers

Foreword To avoid detection, it is best to use tools that are native to the victim’s computer. FTP with Windows Host While having a shell on the Windows machine, start an FTP server on your host machine. Follow these steps if you don’t already have FTP server installed: sudo apt-get install vsftpd sudo service vsftpd start service vsftpd status #status should be active To check if your server is working, type ftp localhost....

2022-06-08 · 3 min · Ally Petitt